About School


About School

Diocese of Jalandhar is Registered Charitable Society and it owns and conducts a number of Convent Schools in Punjab and Himachal Pradesh under the dynamic leadership of his Excellency Rt.Rev.Dr. franco Mulakkal, Bishop of Diocese of Jalandhar. Since these schools being a minority run institutions, they enjoy every right and privilge as enshrined in and guarenteed by the supreme constituion of India. One of the main objectives of the Diocese of Jalandhar is to reach quality education to every nook and corner of these states. Diocese of Jalandhar has schools not only in cities,but also in the remote corners of these states, Where good and quality education is a mere dream of all neglected people. St.Mary's Convent School, Machinangal is the result of a humble attempt by the catholic diocese of Jalandhar in providing with quality education to dispel the darknees of ignorance from the life of the new generation and to prepare them for a better value based glorious future. For the general administration of the educational institutions of the Diocese of Jalandhar, Diocesan Board of Education has been constituted. All the educational, managerial and administrative policies are made by this Board in consultation with the Directors and principals (who are the over all incharge of the educational institutions in a particular place concerned) of its various member institutions.


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The aim of the school is to impart quality education which will enable the child to grow in to a fuller person. The motto to the school is" DARE TO BE TRUE". The school proposes to teach the children through this motto learn to be true there by enlightening the world with the true knowledge of service and freedom.
Hence every Student will in the school is encouraged to practice his/her religion without however interfering with anybody else's freedom of conscious in any way.
The Catholic Student will be given the class of Christian Doctrine. Non Catholic student will be given moral education i.e .the ethics of good living, relating to one's personal relationship with God, one's relationship with one's neighbor and one's responsibility for one's own progress in life.