
Admission Requirement

St. Mary's Convent School Registered Society does not own any school buses or any other means of transportation for the students as it's own. The school, in principle has not engaged means of transport to the students seeking admission in the school. Therefore, every parent waiting to admit their ward. must themselves ensure the safe arrival of the child in the school campus and back to home. The parents are sternly advised to comply with the following guidelines before they arrange or enter in contract with any private carriers.

  1. The Academic year begins in March and ends in February .
  2. Admission to the various classes shall be opened to all irrespective of class,creed or race. However the school Authorities and the Principal reserve the right to refuse admission to a student who in their opinion is not or will not be able to cope up with the studies and syllabus in our school or if the student is of poor health or character which would affect his/her or other' studies and character ,in all such cases the decision of the school authorities and the Principal is binding and final. Registration of a child does not guarantee admission ,it only means that the child is entitled to appear for an enterance test and interview, after which the school authorities and the Principal will decide whether admission is to be given or not.
  3. Students are usually admitted only at the beginning og the school year . A miinimum of three and a half year of age is a must for seeking admission to the Nursery classes.
  4. Those who seek admission to classes other than K.G. Section will have to bring the school leaving certificate from the school last attended as per the assessments of the principal the student will be placed in the standard most suited.
  5. Birth certificate from the Municipality duly attested should be produced at the time of admission and no affidavit will be accepted for the same.
  6. Date of birth as shown in the birth certificate once registered cannot be altered on any account.
  7. Production of any forged documents in obtaining admission will result in the disqualification and dismissal of the candidate in later stage.
  8. Parents/Guardians are asked to fill in the admission from with the utmost possible accuracy. No subsequent changes will be permitted there after for any reason what so ever.
  9. The admission procedure will be completed only after submitting the necessary documents and depositing due fees. Failing to do so will result in the cancellation of admission within 3 days and the seat will be allotted to the next child in the waiting list.
  10. Fee once remitted will not be refundable.

  1. Students can be withdrawn or removed from school as under:-
    1. by giving one current month's notice in writing. In the absence of such a notice one month's fee will be charged.
    2. by the school authorities on any of the following grounds:
      1. Constant weakness in studies
      2. Irregularity in attendance
      3. Behaviour Problem
      4. Over-age in any class
      5. Non-payment of the fees or Chronic irregularity in payment
      6. Moral breach considered serious by the school committee.
      7. Students who get married before completing the Xth class
      8. Those who create any problem for the proper running of the school
      9. Disobedience to the school rules and regulations.
  2. No school leaving certificate will be issued without a written application from the parent/guardian after the payment of all dues to the school.
  3. Prior to the withdrawal of a student from the school a month's notice or payment of a month's fee is required.
  4. As a rule students who are dismissed from the school will not be readmitted.
  5. Irregular attendance, habitual idleness. disobedience, bad conduct or sickness that are contagious or injurious to the health of the other justify dismissal.
  6. The principal's decision shall be final in all cases of dismissal or withdrawal .
  7. A child who uses unfair means or receives or gives assistance in any from during tests will be given zero in the subject and repetition of the same fault will result in dismissal of the student from the school.