School Fees

  1. The School Fee Card is supplied at the begning of the year or at the time of admission,If it is lost during the course of the year Rs.50/-must be paid to replace it.
  2. Tuition fee from Nursery to VII will be collected in eight installments at the school fee counter only.
  3. Fee will be collected from 5th to 15th every month.
  4. No cheques will be accepted at the fee counter.
  5. Late Fee will be collected with a Fine of Rs.50/-on 25th to 30th of the same month.
  6. All the details of the fee collection will be given in the fee receipt.
  7. No student will be permitted to write examination without fee clearance, the result will be with held untill the due is cleared.
  8. The school reserves the rights to revise the fee structure annually in order to meet the rising expenditure due to the increase in the cost of living.
  9. The twelve months' tuition fee may be paid at one time.
  10. A late fee will be charged in case fees are paid after alloted duration.
  11. No deduction is made for vacations or broken periods .Fee once paid is not refundable.
  12. Parents should ensure that the registrtion number, class , section and the name the name of the student are duly entered in the fee book in order to avoid inconvenience.
  13. No transfer certificate will be issued unless the dues to the school have been paid.
  14. Legal action will be taken against parents whose children leave school without clearing their dues.